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5 Symptoms Of Breast Cancer You Should Look Out For

Breast cancer is a cancer that develops from breast tissue and is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world. In honor of Pinktober, with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is important to know how best to detect breast cancer symptoms early on.

There are various simple-to-identify symptoms for breast cancer:

1. Lumps appear in or on your breasts

One of the main methods of determining if you have breast cancer is by checking to see if there are lumps in your breasts, which feel different from the rest of your breasts. These lumps can be found either on top of or inside the breasts and indicate breast cancer.

2. Pain in your breasts or nipples

Another symptom is any pain in your breasts or nipples, especially if the pain is ongoing or particularly intense, though even if this is not the case it’s still recommended to go to a gynaecologist to get your breasts checked.

3. Nipple discharge

If your nipples discharge any liquid, which is not milk (and milk discharge is only supposed to happen after pregnancy), then it is a sign of breast cancer.

4. Lumps or swelling in underarm lymph nodes

Breast cancer lumps and swelling can also be formed on or in our underarms, so they should be checked too.

5. The nipple or breast skin is red, scaly or thickened

If your nipple or breast skin is red, scaly or thickened, it is a sign of breast cancer.

If you notice any of these symptoms, immediately go to a gynaecologist and get yourself checked because there may be a possibility that you could have breast cancer.

All in all, stay healthy and stay alert, and take care of yourself.


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